PRIVACY POLICY According to the Organic Law 15/1999 on Protection of Personal Data, PREMIUM BEAUTY PRODUCTS, S.L. We inform that the personal data collected by the company through the forms on its page will be entered in an automated file under the responsibility of PREMIUM BEAUTY PRODUCTS, SL, in order to facilitate, expedite and fulfill the commitments established between both parties . Likewise, PREMIUM BEAUTY PRODUCTS, SL, will inform the possibility of exercising the rights of access, cancellation, rectification and opposition by means of a letter to the email address or to the street: la Segarra, 8 de Alella (Barcelona).PREMIUM BEAUTY PRODUCTS, S.L., is a Spanish limited company, with CIF B-B-66.885.419 and registered office at C / La Segarra 8, Alella (Barcelona). Incorporated by public deed authorized by the Notary of Barcelona, Mr. Lluis Joau Mirabent, with the number 453 of its protocol, and Registered in the Mercantile Register of Barcelona with the number of Document 2,378 on November 10, 2,016 Seat No.: 3393 Journal No. 1250.As long as you do not tell us otherwise, we will understand that your data has not been modified, that you agree to notify us of any variation and that we have the consent to use them in order to be able to retain the relation between the parties. - We work with other companies that help us get the products and services you need and have requested to be delivered to your home. - For example, we can provide your information to the logistics companies we work with or to ensure that you benefit from special purchase discounts. - In any case, providing that you want, you can accede to the information that we arrange on you and can realize the changes that you considers to be opportune. Also it can resign of our Databases in the moment that you it wishes. - So, to access your information and modify it, you only have to access your account on the web, with your login and password.